Q. How do I create images with Craft Rabbit?
A. You can create images with Craft Rabbit on the "Design + Make" and "Create Images" screens in the Craft Rabbit app. You can navigate to these screens by pressing the corresponding buttons on the bottom navigation bar. On "Design and Make," enter a text prompt describing the image you want to create and click the "Create" button. On "Create Images," enter a text prompt and click the "Create" button. You can also upload an image from your Photos library to guide the creation of the image. Uploading a photo is optional. Tap the palette icon to open the Prompt Palette. Tapping an image button in the Prompt Palette adds a word to your prompt. Tapping the eye icon at the top right corner of the Palette shows or hides the text labels on the buttons. Tap outside the Prompt Palette to dismiss it.
Q. How do I get instructions with Craft Rabbit?
A. You can get instructions for how to make something on the "Design + Make" and "How Do I Make" screens in the Craft Rabbit app. On "How Do I Make," you will need to upload an image from your Photos library and ask a question in the text field. Next, click the "Ask Question + Get Instructions" button. Your instructions or answer will be ready in about 10 seconds. Sometimes it takes somewhat longer. Please be patient. Craft Rabbit is analyzing the image you submitted and considering the question you asked when generating its response. On the "Design + Make" screen, you can ask a question or get instructions about the image you created in the first step. First, you will enter your text prompt to create an image. Then you can ask a question or get instructions to make what is in the image. You will not see the "Ask Question + Get Instructions" button until after your created image appears. Tap the button above the text field to select the Basic or Advanced design helper. Basic is our original Craft Rabbit design helper. Advanced is our newest Craft Rabbit design helper that offers more detailed instructions and advice.
Q. How do I use Craft Rabbit’s instructions to make things?
- Gather all necessary materials and tools before starting your project.
- Make a sketch or draw a simple pattern if needed.
- Consider practicing with simple materials before using your best supplies.
- Familiarize yourself with basic techniques and safety practices related to your project by consulting traditional resources.
- Use safety equipment, especially when working with potentially hazardous materials or tools.
- Double-check recipes, cooking times, and temperatures when preparing food items.
- Always double-check Craft Rabbit's instructions for accuracy using traditional sources where applicable.
- Remember that you are responsible for your safety. Do not leave children unsupervised when making crafts, and choose age-appropriate projects.
- Keep dangerous crafting materials out of reach of pets and small children.
Q. How do I write a good text prompt to create an image?
A. By writing a prompt, you are designing something with words. The first things in the prompt generally affect the output image the most. It is good to mention the type of thing you are creating (e.g., cake, sculpture, earrings, ornament), how you want it to look (e.g., vintage, futuristic, rustic, preppy, pastel), and what materials you want to use (e.g., clay, gingerbread, recycled paper, glass beads). You can also use the Prompt Palette to get inspiration. Tap the images in the Palette to add words to your prompt. It is helpful to try the same prompt a few times to see slightly different results. It can also be useful to change one small thing in your prompt each time you click "create" to see how it affects the image. Remember to click the "save image" button in the top corner of each image to save them to your Photos library!
Q. How do I save my created images?
A. Click the "save image" button in the top corner of each image to save it to your Photos library on your device (iPhone or iPad). You can also save and export images in other ways and to other apps with the download button below each generated image.
Q. How do I save my created text instructions?
A. You can copy the text instructions to your clipboard to paste them into a text file by clicking the small translucent button in the top right corner of the box with your created text in it. This button’s icon looks like two sheets of paper stacked together. You can also click the button below the created text box to save your generated (or uploaded) image and the text together to a PDF file in your Photos library. It will save your image as the top part of the document and the text as a simple black sans-serif font on a white background on the bottom part of the document. You can also save your outputs when you click the gray plus sign button to clear and start over. You should be prompted to save with a small pop-up reminder.
Q. I forgot to save my images or instructions. Can you help me find them?
A. Unfortunately, we do not retain a copy of any user images or text on our servers. You need to download and save your text and images immediately after creation. If you are interested in having the ability to save some images in a user dashboard, please let us know. It is a feature we are hoping to add in the near future.
Q. How do your subscriptions work?
A. We offer two monthly subscription choices. Our Basic subscription is $9.99 per month and offers 100 image and text creations per month (100 total creations per month). Our Premium subscription is $29.99 per month and includes 500 image and text creations per month (500 total creations per month). We plan to offer additional features and tools to Basic and Premium subscribers in the near future. New users get 10 creations. To subscribe, you first need to download the app and Sign In with Apple. This will create your account (you will be able to see your Craft Rabbit User ID on the Account screen). Once you have created an account, you will have the option of signing up for either subscription by clicking the "Upgrade and Purchase" button on the Account screen. If you use all of your New User creations, you will see the "Upgrade and Purchase" screen appear automatically. An Apple Payment screen will appear after you click the button to purchase either subscription. Clicking the button on the Apple Payment screen will finalize your purchase. Follow the instructions on the screen. "Subscription Creations Left" are reset every month on your renewal date to 100 or 500, whether you used all of your creations for the previous month or not. These creation totals do not affect or change the "Extra Creations" you have purchased, which do not expire.
Q. How do I upgrade from a Basic to a Premium subscription, or downgrade from Premium to Basic?
A. If you have an active Basic subscription, you can upgrade by purchasing the Premium Subscription on the "Upgrade and Purchase" page (click the button on the Account screen to access this page). If you upgrade, you will be charged immediately, and your remaining Basic subscription will be refunded. Your "Subscription Creations Left" will update to the Premium amount (500) on the account screen. Your next billing date (renewal date) will be reset to the day of the month that you upgraded. You can downgrade from Premium to Basic by purchasing the Basic subscription on the “Upgrade and Purchase” page. You will not be charged immediately. On your renewal date, your subscription will renew as a Basic subscription instead of a Premium subscription and you will be charged $9.99. The instructions on the Apple Payment screen should explain this process.
Q. How do I purchase more creations if I use all of the creations from my subscription, but I do not want to upgrade (or I already upgraded to Premium)?
A. You can purchase "Extra Creations" on the Upgrade and Purchase page. To access this, you can click the button on the Account screen. "Extra Creations" are kept separate from subscription creations and are not affected by your subscription renewal date or payment. Extra Creations do not expire.
Q. I tried to create an image and the screen said "image did not load". Can you retrieve my image? Will this image count as one of my Subscription Creations or Extra Creations?
A. We cannot retrieve images that did not load. You should try to create again with the same prompt. Our system is set up to understand this possibility, and this error should not count as one of your creations.
Q. I tried to create an image or text instructions and it is taking a very long time. Can you help speed things up?
A. Sometimes there is too much traffic on our system, and it can take a long time to create things. If it is taking longer than 2 minutes, it is sometimes better to click the plus sign button to reset and try again later. It can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes for a creation to appear on your screen. Also, large input images can take longer to process.
Q. What do all of the things on the Account screen mean?
- UserID: This is your Craft Rabbit ID number. It is good to keep a copy of it somewhere. You can click the icon to the right of it to copy it to the clipboard.
- Subscription Tier: This shows which subscription tier you purchased (Basic or Premium). It says "New User" if you do not have an active subscription.
- Subscription Creations Left: This is how many creations you have left for the current month of your subscription. These renew every month.
- Total Creations: This is how many text or image creations you have completed during your entire time using the app.
- Renewal Date: This is the date your subscription renews.
- Extra Creations Left: This is how many "Extra Creations" you have left. These are the creations that you can purchase separately from those that come with your subscription. They do not expire.
- Upgrade and Purchase: Click this button to upgrade and purchase subscriptions or to purchase Extra Creations.
- Restore Purchases: In the rare event that your current subscription is not showing up above, click this button to access the subscription records. If you believe you have an active subscription that is not showing up on the Account screen, email us at support@craft-rabbit.com with your User ID (and if a different User ID is showing on the Account screen, send us that one too).
- Contact Support: This will open an email window on your device so you can email Craft Rabbit for help. You will need to have your mail program configured to get this response from clicking this button. You can also contact us by emailing support@craft-rabbit.com from your computer.
- Sign Out: This will sign you out of Craft Rabbit. You will need to sign in with your Apple ID again to continue using Craft Rabbit.
Q. I paid for Craft Rabbit on my iPhone. Can I also use it on my iPad?
A. Yes, if you are signed into your iPad with the same Apple ID that you use on the iPhone, you can use Craft Rabbit on your iPad (and vice versa).
Q. Now that I am a subscriber, do I sign in with my Craft Rabbit User ID number?
A. No, you sign in to Craft Rabbit with your Apple ID and Apple password using the "Sign In with Apple" button.
Q. How do I delete my account?
A. To delete your account, follow these steps:
- Make sure you have cancelled your subscription if you have one through Apple's settings as described in our Delete Account page.
- Visit our Delete Account Page to initiate the process.
For help using Craft Rabbit, please contact us at support@craft-rabbit.com.